




Big Borrowers?

March 07, 2007 - 1:27 p.m.

I know this is going to sound like I'm paranoid, but I'm beginning to feel that my hubby is taking things from my craft room and getting rid of them.

2 1/2 weeks ago I noticed I was missing my big black folder type bag that I keep my 12 X 12 papers in. I thought it was possible that I left it up at the trailer when we went up in January and didn't worry too much about it because we were going back on 2/21.

It wasn't at the trailer. I looked almost everywhere for it. There is one place I did not look but I don't think I put it there.

Well since we're still in remodel hell I figured it will show up sooner or later and I went to Joann's and bought some paper to use on the card I was trying to make.

Last night I was going to finish up the card and needed some of my tiny flower brads to embellish the card. I keep them and many of my other cool embellishments in a small basket that has a lid on it that raises up and it has handles. I sort of looks like a small picnic basket and I couldn't pass it up at a garage sale since it was only 50 cents. I've used it for several different things over the years and recently decided it was best to keep my embellishments in so I can just grab it when we go to the trailer and know I'll have plenty of cool things to use.

It's gone.


I feel like things have been disappearing here and there as if no one thinks I'll miss them. At first I thought I was just losing my mind but I KNOW I had both of those things in January at the trailer. I know it! I use both of them frequently and there is no possible way I would have gotten rid of them myself.

Is there an elf in our home that is taking things and hiding them? Is someone at the house working on getting me committed? Did the Borrowers get big and have started taking my crafting supplies?

Half of what I say is meaningless
But I say it just to reach you


The WeatherPixie

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